Monday, August 15, 2005

Dealing wth the Poohdragon

As some of you may know My Pooh loves FIRE. He loves to make it, cook with it and play with it. Some months ago he set the kitchen on fire by leaving a pan of grease on the stove. The flames were so hot they melted the microwave next to the stove. Let me say - convincing him to purchase a new oone was quite a feat as he was convinced that although the entire side resembled candle wax, because the keypad still worked the microwave was still completely safe.

However that is another story for another time.

As I was saying he set the kitchen on fire, and though the damage was minimal, I spent 5 days cleaning up the mess. Now for those of you who have husbands who do not like FIRE, let me explain; Soot gets everywhere and stains everything. So my once white kitchen was now the color of Pooh's two year old tighty-whities.

This incident happend in May and I still feel now as I did then, I should not have to spend my hard earned dollars to fix his mistake. He agreed at the time and we soon picked colors out for the kitchen.

Fast forward to August 15- The Kitchen is still old-undie gray and I am very ill tempered. Fortunately I had to visit our storage building today and therein discovered a forgoten 5 gallon container of paint from our old apartment.

Yes, The Meme did a happy dance!!! Home went I and painted did I, however, I am short and there a few spots that cannot be reached by my stumpy ass. As Pooh had a short day at work and is several inches taller than I. I felt it reasonable to ask him to paint this six inch area.

Apparently not.

Pooh informed me that he cannot possible accommodate my request as he has been eating too much cheese and his body is not functing as it should. Therefore he must pamper his poor bloated self and consume and entire box of raisin bran drizzled with black strap molasses. (Pooh loves molasses.)

As I am used to these sorts of coments from my darling Pooh I took the news with good grace. However I find myself feeling slightly resentful. I am not the one that forced him to grate and entire one pond brick of extra sharp cheddar cheese onto three tortila chips and spent his Sunday watching "Saw" now am I?

Iask you- when does the madness end???

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Meme *snickers* Pooh um... is that injin feller now huh? Bowels No Move? lmfao.. beat him Meems.. beat the sh*t outta him.